Throughout Professor Akbar Adibi's professional career, serving to the academia and industry, he was often referred to by magazines, State TV, reporters, radio agents and other media related personnel. In this page, a few video clips have been included from the TV program "Dar Mahzar-e-Ostad" or "In The Presence of the Professor" from series of "Olum va Fonoon" programs of National Channel 4. This scientific program aired in Summer 2000.

This TV program was designed to address vast majority of enthusiatic people eager to know the intellectuals' biographies and their ways of living.

The video clips were uploaded on You Tube.
Enjoy watching the clips:

TV reportage:
"Dar Mahzar-e-Ostad", "In the Presence of the Professor"

Clip 01
Clip 02
Clip 03
Clip 04
Clip 05
Clip 06
Clip 07
Clip 08
Clip 09
Clip 10

If you have a multimedia file related to Professor Adibi, please share it with us at: akbar[@]adibis.org .

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