Welcome to Professor Akbar Adibi’s Message to the World
Here we try to reflect Professor's ideas, outlooks, and those unique messages he was trying to give us through his lectures, poems, speeches and his way of life.
“Establishment of an Electronics Lab for Manufactoring Integrated Circuits (ICs) and other Semiconductor Devices”
Throughout Professors career, he was very eager to convince Iran's industry leaders to provide him the opportunity
to establish a semiconductor laboratory for IC "Integrated Circuit) design and developments and training related professionals. He believed so strongly
that if such priority would be given in the academia and industry, Iran will join the frontiers of high-tech countries, who mass-produce invaluable number
of ICs and this would reduce Iran's dependency to foreign countries and in long run would set Iran in the correct path on its exports and cash-flow.
Unfortunately due to the lack of such insight, this priority was never given and he took this hope and wish with him away. All his graduates would still remember
how much Professor was eager to have this unselfish dream come true. If this dream comes true one day, the name of Professor Akbar Adibi, who once stood and urgently
requested others on this, would shine bright.
“Early to be Early to Rise, make a Man Healthy, Wealthy
and Wise”
Professor always stayed on this principle that almost every
night he went to bed around 9:30 to 10:00 PM and woke up around 5:00 AM the next morning.
First of all he prayed then he exercised. Then he would go out run necessary errands (purchasing diary
products and fresh baked bread for his beloved family). When he finished all the initial tasks, he
was ready to go to the university and face the challenges of the daily work. He
always stood on this schedule.
“The Correct Way of Learning”
He was able to developed a unique method of studying
strategy. At first he would look at the title of the chapter or the book and then
he would close his eyes and try to relate all his knowledge to the title. He believed
that the basics of most subjects are interelated to one another and if we could find
these relationships, we would be able to increase our learning abilities
He taught this method to two of his classmates, Mr. Ahmad Aflaki
and one other friend and they were so successful that they were titled: “Triangle
Union of Success” by their classmates at the university.
It’s worthy to note that the method he taught electronics
to the students was based on the the same technique and featured certain uniquenesses.
He usually spent a considerable amount of time, teaching the basics of electronics and viewing
the basic material from different angles. Some of these views were totally new and amazing. Once
the basics are covered, he would increase the speed and teach the rest of the material up to sophisticated
formulas and relationships of electronics fairly fast. The way we learned Electrnics III (high-frequency electronics)
was unique and students were often astonished and amazed on his teaching abilities, which was not even describable.
His classes were always so interactive and his talent in delivering the
material was unique to himself and no other.
Amirkabir University Electronics students will always miss
such a professor and unless we develop his method in our learning and teaching strategies,
we’d hardly be able to develop full proficient educated people.
“Juice of Life”
Professor often called lemon juice: "Juice of Life" and
believed so much in its nutrition and healing powers. In general, Professor lived
a very healthy life and he always refrained from tasty unhealthy foods such as
sausages, hamburgers, pizzas and so on. I never remember a single occasion
where he ate any unhealthy food. He believed so much in healthy diets for a healthy body and soul.
“Toleration against life’s difficulties and problems”
Professor had a very strong personality against life’s every
day difficulties. He believed that no life is perfect and the more you over
come problems, the more you become a real man. He always said: “Problems are for
us to be solved!”. His calm reactions and firm responses to problems were unique
and appreciable.
“Be the best of best”
Professor had developed a unique method to do work, study
and deal with problems of every day life. His manners and methods made him a
unique and multi-dimensional person. He was, by far, the best in his career, the
best professor who knew about electronics, the best father for his family and
he had the best method for living in this world. His passing away was a real