Sasan Adibi (BS'95, MS'99, MS'05, PhD'10, IEEE Senior Member'11) has a PhD degree in Communication and Information Systems from University of Waterloo, Canada and the recipient of the best PhD thesis award from the IEEE Society (IEEE WoWMoM 2010 PhD Forum). He is currently involved in the research, design, implementation, and application Electronic Health (eHealth) and Mobile Health (mHealth). Sasan's research publication background is mostly in the areas of Quality of Service (QoS), Security, and eHealth/mHealth. He is the first author of 50+ journal/conference/book chapter/white paper publications and is a co-editor of two books in the areas of 4th Generation Mobile Networks and QoS and an inventor/co-inventor of 4 patents in the areas of Health Informatics. He has 9+ years of strong industry experiences, having worked in a number of high-tech companies, including: Nortel Networks, Siemens Canada, BlackBerry Corp., and Huawei Technologies, Canada. He is the co-founder and managing director of Cyber Journals and serving as Cyber Journals Health Informatics Associate Editor. He is currently a Vice Chancellor Research Fellow at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) at the Department of Business IT and Logistics and an active member of RMIT's Platform Technologies Research Institute (PTRI).
Sasan Adibi's Research Index values are (as of July 2013 [1, 2, 3, 4]):
ICI: 29.90 |
h-index: 5 |
AWCR: 20.32 |
g-index: 13 |
AW-index: 4.51 |
hc-index: 5 |
e-index: 8.60 |
AWCRpA: 8.03 |
hm-index: 3 |
Papers: 51 |
Citations: 220 |
Cites/year: 24.44 |
[1]: Individual Conversity Index (ICI) List
[2]: Google Scholar Index Page
[3]: Microsoft Academic Search Page
[4]: Publish or Perish